今回は166円からのオンライン英語添削[アイディー] で用意されている英作文を選択した。
1つ目の訂正は"those who have less eye cntact"を"those with less eye cntact"に直された。
2つ目の訂正は"Due to it"を"Due to this"に直された。
「前文で記された話題について代名詞を用いる場合は特定されたものなので、it ではなく this」。
3つ目の訂正は"everyday life"を"everyday livesに直された。"
in their everyday life or lives? | WordReference Forums
It would be: in their everyday lives
It is their lives we are talking about, more than one life.In singular, it would be:
in his/her/your everyday life (or my everyday life)
Here we are talking about only one life.
I find it strange because even though there are a lot of different everyday lifves, each one of us only have one life (well at least for most of us!).
Let's take this sentence (in wikipedia on the Everyday life article) :Over the years, what people do in their everyday life has changed dramatically.
Is it a mistake ?
No, it is not a mistake. Both ways are correct when you are talking about life as a general idea, not about the lives of specific people.Sometimes it would be very unusual to use a plural noun in a case like this. For example, "What people do on their summer vacation has changed dramatically."