オンライン英語添削アイディー に提出した英作文が添削されて返ってきた。
The rainy front is moving toward north and will arrive in my city soon.
The rainy front is moving towards the north and will arrive at my city soon.
move toward northの意味・用例|英辞郎 on the WEB:アルク
move toward the north
もしくは"move north, move northward"でよかった。
A damp weather lasts for about forty days.
Damp weather lasts for about forty days.
"* damp weather" - Google 検索で検索してみると"the damp weather"が一番多い。
In addition, a gloomy weather causes less exposure of our bodies to the sunlight and results in the imbalance of automatic nerves.
In addition, the gloomy weather causes less exposure to sunlight for our bodies which results in the imbalance of automatic nerves.
"our bodies"をどこに入れるか?前置詞はなにか?について悩んだ。