オンライン英語添削アイディー に提出した英作文が添削されて返ってきた。
A teacher and I read an article and she asked me questions about it.
A teacher and I read an article, and she asked me questions about it.
I got embarrassed with it because I thought I had made a wrong answer.
I got embarrassed about it because I thought I had given the wrong answer.
embarrassedの意味 - 英和辞典 Weblio辞書
叙述的用法の形容詞 〔…に〕きまり悪い思いをして,まごついて,困って 〔at,by,with,for〕
I was embarrassed by [at] his unexpected question. 私は彼の意外な質問にどぎまぎした.
"be embarrassed with"で問題ないのでは。
However, I found out that her answer was utterly same with me.
However, I found out that her answer was utterly the same as mine.
それから"with my answer"だから"with mine"とする必要があった。
"the same with" and "the same as" | WordReference Forums
"Same with..." means that two or more things agree.
"Same as" invites comparison ie: "Is your new car the same as mine?"
比較して自分の答えと同じと言いたかったので、"the same as mine"が正しいな。