オンライン英語添削アイディー に提出した英作文が添削されて返ってきた。
It means that opening a door to foreign people leads to eradication of local influences and dominance of foreign influences.
It means that opening a door to foreign people leads to eradication of local influences, and the dominance of foreign influences.
Bricks and mortar have shops shut their doors, famous local players have disappeared from the front lines.
Bricks and mortar of shops shut their doors, and famous local players have disappeared from the front lines.
"Bricks and morta shops have shut their doors,"と書きたかった。
The Wimbledon championship has become one of the major tennis tournaments in the world with large audience and a lot of TV coverage.
The Wimbledon championship has become one of the major tennis tournaments in the world with a large audience and a lot of TV coverage.
可算名詞 [集合的に] 聴衆; 観衆,観客; 読者; (ラジオ・テレビの)聴取者,視聴者 《★【用法】 集合体と考える時には単数,構成要素を考える時には複数扱い》.
There was a large [small] audience. 聴衆[観衆]は多数[少数]だった.
[集合的に; 複数扱い; しばしば the police]
1警察; 警官(隊) 《★この語義の複数形はない; 「一人の警察官」をいう時には policeman,policewoman を用いる》.