オンライン英語添削アイディー に提出した英作文が添削されて返ってきた。
A seven-year-old boy was abandoned on a road by his parents.
A seven-year-old boy was abandoned on the roadside by his parents.
"on a road"ではなく、"on the road"。
"went to a shop"だったら「その人が行った店」を言っているのだから、"went to the shop"になってしまう。
"read a book"だったら「その人が読んだ本」を言っているのだから、"read the book"になってしまう。
This incident arose controversy over whether what the parents did is punishment or child ill-treatment, over from which point it is called discipline or child abuse.
This incident caused controversy over whether what the parents did was punishment or ill-treatment of a child, and over what is discipline and child abuse.
A good idea arose in his mind. いい考えが彼の心の中に浮かんだ.
〔+前置詞+(代)名詞〕〔…から〕生じる,起こる 〔from,out of〕.
Accidents arise from carelessness. 事故は不注意から起こる.
I aroused him from his sleep. 彼を眠りから目覚めさせた.
Their generosity aroused our respect. 彼らの寛大さには尊敬の念がわいた.
"arouse controversy" - Google 検索 2万件
"cause controversy" - Google 検索 22万件
"spark controversy" - Google 検索 13万件
"stir up * controversy" - Google 検索 84万件
"stir up a controversy"が一番良いコロケーションのようだ。