オンライン英語添削アイディー に提出した英作文が添削されて返ってきた。
The governor of Tokyo, is being under fire, admitted and apologized his inappropriate use of official funds.
The governor of Tokyo, under fire, admitted and apologized for his inappropriate use of official funds.
"be under fire"は状態で、動作は表さないとのこと。
"It is being sunny"がおかしいのと一緒。
"being under fire" - Google 検索 6万8千件
Given the fact, the governor inferred that he rejected resignation and hung on the position.
Given this fact, the governor inferred that he rejected resignation and hung on to his position.
「それを受けて」を調べたら"Given the fact"がヒットしたので使ってみた。
hang onの意味・用例|英辞郎 on the WEB:アルク
hang on a strap
hang on someone's arm
hang on another term as company president
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hang on to
hang on to __th place
hang on to a strap
"hang on OBJ"でも"hand on to OBJ"でも問題ないようだ。
He may be innocent in terms of law, but I think his wrongdoing made him unfit for the position.
He may be innocent in terms of the law, but I think his wrongdoing has made him unfit for the position.
それと、"in terms of the law"と"law"を限定しているけれども、どの"law"だろうか?
"in terms of law" - Google 検索 8百万件
"in terms of a law" - Google 検索 4百万件
"in terms of the law" - Google 検索 5千4百万件
lawの意味 - 英和辞典 Weblio辞書
不可算名詞 法,法律
by law 法律によって, 法律的に.
具体的でない法については冠詞なしの"in terms of law"で良いと思った。
I will not vote for him if he run for the next governor's race, although I voted for him in the previous election.
I will not vote for him if he runs in the next governor's race, although I voted for him in the previous election.